Friday, April 30, 2010


The last few days have been a good change of pace for me. Wednesday I got a call from the agent here in France telling me an American girl was coming into Avignon and wanted to meet up. So we did, took her around and ended up sitting by the river most of the day. It was pretty relaxing. She's from Wisconsin and is living with a family in Nîmes nearby, so we had a good time making fun of each other's accent.

Thursday I chilled here at the house, taught Matt and his friend. My computer shocks me every time I use it now and I had it placed on a metal table outside during the English lesson, so we kept swapping dares to touch it the longest. It was quite painful. After the mom made me clean something so him and his friend were making fun of me. A spray and rag fight ensued and somehow ended up with a little karate or kickboxing of some sort haha. Even the mother joined in and she can throw a mean punch, not to mention swift kick in the rear. Later though I received some bad news that my grandfather is doing really bad and probably won't make it much longer :/

Today I got up early and went to the bakery with the parents here and got to see how everything works. Video below, pictures on fb. Found out another weird custom, and that is if you can't shake hands.. you shake the wrist. It took me a few minutes to figure out what the heck he was trying to do, but he had to keep his hands clean apparently. So, I took a walk around the town (Gordes) and it was pretty stunning. My camera died so I'll have to go back. Its an old roman town with lots of houses built into the cliff side and underground on top of a huge mountain. I managed just one photo. Also when i was walking around I noticed the rocks I was stepping on were crumbling, then to realize I was actually ending the life of a lot of snails.... big ones. I kinda felt bad. So the next one I came across I relocated to a plant it could devour haha as if that made up for the dead ones.

So yea, now I'm home, kinda zombie-like and going to go teach some english. Ciao!

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